We offer below what we believe to be the finest selection of books relating to palms and subtropical gardening for our Northern California climate zone. These books will inspire your interest in exotic ornamental horticulture and give you fresh ideas on everything from garden layout to plant selection. They can be ordered directly through our website with a direct link to Amazon.Com (don't forget about that palm crazy pal of yours during the holidays). Look for Gary Gragg to be putting a book out in the coming years to add to this list. Happy garden reading!
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Palm Books
Cycad Books
Subtropical and Tropical Gardening Books
Subtropical Fruit Books
Bamboo Books
Palm Books:
- Palms Throughout the World by David L. Jones
- Betrocks Guide to Landscape Palms by Alan W. Meerow
- Genera Palmarum: A Classification of... by Natalie W. Uhl
- Betrock's Cultivated Palms of the World by Don Allison
- Ornamental Palm Horticulture by Timothy K. Broschat
- Useful Palms of the World by Michael J. Balick, Hans T. Beck
- Palms: The New Compact Study Guide and... by Martin Gibbons
- Handbook of Landscape Palms. by Great Outdoors Publishing Co.
- Palms Won't Grow Here and Other Myths:... by David A. Francko
- Chamaedorea Palms: the Species and Their Cultivation
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Cycad Books:
- The Cycads by Loran M. Whitelock
- Cycads of the World: Ancient Plants in... by David L. Jones
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Subtropical and Tropical Gardening Books:
- Landscape Plants for Subtropical Climates by Bijan Dehgan
- Subtropical Garden by Jaqueline Walker, Gil Hanly
- Ornamental Plants for Subtropical... by Roland S. Hoyt
- Subtropical Plants: A Practical... by Jacqueline Sparrow, Gil Hanly
- Hot Plants for Cool Climates : Gardening... by Susan A. Roth, Dennis Schrader
- The Exotic Garden: Designing with... by Richard Iversen
- Tropical Garden Style with Hardy Plants by Alan Hemsley
- Tropical Garden Design by Made Wijaya
- The Tropical Garden by William Warren, Luca Internizzi
- The Tropical Look: An Encyclopedia of... by Robert Lee Riffle
- Paradise Found: Growing Tropicals in... by Norman Winter
- Tropica: Color Cyclopedia of Exotic... by Alfred B. Graf
- Tropical Plants for Home and Garden by William Warren
- Tropical Plants of the World by Jens, Ph.D. Rohwer, Jens G. Rohwer
- Tropical Ornamentals: A Guide by W. Arthur Whistler
- Plants for Tropical Landscapes: A... by Fred D. Rauche, Paul R. Weissich
- Tropicals by Gordon Courtright
- Gardening in the Tropics by Ivan Enoch, R.E. Holttrum
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Subtropical Fruit Books:
- All About Citrus and Subtropical Fruits by Maggie Blyth Klein
- Citrus: Complete Guide to Selecting &... by Lance Walheim
- You Can Grow Tropical Fruit Trees by Robert Mohlenbrock
- Fruits of Warm Climates by Julia Morton
- The Great Exotic Fruit Book: A Handbook... by Norman Van Aken
- Fruits of Tropical and Subtropical... by Steven Nagy, Philip E. Shaw, Wilfred F.Wardski
- Avocado, Banana, Coffee: How to Grow... by Heinz Jenuwein
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Bamboo Books:
- Bamboos by Christine Recht, Max F. Wettewald
- The Bamboos by Floyd Alonzo McClure, Lynn Clark
- Bamboo World: The Growing and Use of... by Victor Cusack, Deirdre Stewart
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