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Golden Gate Palms & Exotics HAPPY PALM SUNDAY! (Any day with a Palm is a happy day!)
Palm Sunday is a Christian holy day which falls on the Sunday before Easter. It memorializes the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem shortly before his crucifixion. It is reputed that the people of Jerusalem honored Jesus by covering his path with palm fronds. Traditionally during this time, the branch of a palm was a victorious symbol of triumph. Due to this it has become customary, in many parts of the world, for churches to incorporate fresh palm fronds into their services. In some parts of the world where palms are scarce they have to substitute boughs of other plants such as box, willow or yew. MORE AWESOME ARTICLES! This month's free lance article is about the Natal Plum, scientifically known as Carissa macrocarpa. A semi-tropical shrub that thrives in the Mediterranean climate of the SF Bay Area, has fragrant white flowers, rich-green foliage and a remarkable, edible fruit. "The delicious fruit can be eaten raw, fresh off the plant and basically tastes like a cross between a giant cranberry, raspberry, strawberry and apple." Carissa is a unique plant that your neighbors are unlikely to have in their gardens.
WE LOVE OUR BIRDS! It must be spring as we have a nest full of crow eggs high atop our Chilean wine palm. What a perch. Gary discovered the eggs and nest perched 50' above mother earth while harvesting seed from the tree. The crow is said to be the most intelligent bird species on the planet. This is evidenced by momma crow's selection of palm species to nest in, the most gorgeous, regal species of palm this world has to offer, the Chilean wine palm. Not knowing whether she has any musical talent or not, we decided to name momma crow "Sheryl". Check out our next newsletter to see the babies when they hatch. To see how this remarkable palm came to be in our demo garden, click below. CHILEAN WINE PALM INSTALLATION VIDEO
Last newsletter showed the resident owl in one of our Canary palms. The photo below was sent to us by a customer whose tree hosts 2 gorgeous owls. She says they also control the local gopher population (what a win-win situation)!
FRUIT FRUIT FRUIT! It's avocado and exotic fruit season! Put your order in today for the guava tree you've always wanted or that macadamia tree you can't live without! MORE INFO ON OUR AVOCADO AND FRUIT TREES!
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Nursery: 420 South 3rd St. Point Richmond, Ca. |